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Home About RTBI

Empowering Innovation & Tech Driven Entreprenership

MS Ramaiah Technology
Business Incubator

RTBI is a not for profit entity established by Ramaiah University of Applied Sciences, Bangalore under Indian Trusts Act, 1882 having registration number YPR-4-00315-2017-18 dated 22-01-2018. The main aim of RTBI is to promote the culture of entrepreneurship through technology business incubation and establishment of start-ups amongst its students, faculty and interested citizens.

A vibrant ecosystem for promoting innovations and
entrepreneurship development

Having established as a premier university based incubation centre, RTBI – has expanded its verticals in IOT (Internet of Things),ESDM (Electronics System Design & Manufacturing),Robotics & Intellegence Systems. Our status as an emerging techno innovation hub in the country that is growing from strength to strength. We are the epicentre for technology startups and entrepreneurs Bangalore.

No matter what sector your innovation represents, we nurture them all with funding opportunities through various govt schemes for every stage of idea, mentorship, networking, assists you with IP and registration and finally hand hold until you are ready to fly.

RTBI Offers Emerging Technology Domains to Startups

Aspiring entrepreneur having a valid technology product ideas in the technology areas including but not limited to IoT, Electronic System, Robotics and Intelligent Systems can seek support for incubation and setting up their own start-ups.
  1. Internet of Things
  2. Electronics System Design & Manufacturing
  3. Robotics & Intellegence Systems
  4. Others