RTBI Objectives

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RTBI Objectives

RTBI helps entrepreneurs to develop their idea, especially in the initial stages. Our incubation center has people who have experience in industry and technology world. We provide startups technological facilities, systems, advise on initial growth funds, network and linkages, co-working spaces, lab facilities, mentoring and advisory support. As early stage mentors, we try to help and promote entrepreneurs as part of the startup ecosystem in the country.

Ramaiah Technology Business Incubator - Key Objectives

As early stage hand holders, we play our role in the start-up ecosystem to promote and provide much needed support to technology startups and entrepreneurs.


To support new technology/ knowledge/ innovation based startups.

Promote innovation

To promote a culture of innovation driven entrepreneurship in the country

Encourage Entrepreneurs

To provide a platform for tech driven entrepreneurs to realise thier dream

Want to Apply for Start-up Program at RTBI? Apply Now.

Aspiring entrepreneurs with a seed of an idea can apply through simple process

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Looking for a startup incubator?

Startup founders looking to start off on the right foot often turn to a startup accelerator or startup incubator for help.

Incubators are emerging technology innovation hub in the country

Aspiring entrepreneurs having a product idea in the technology space including but not limited to IoT, Electronic System, Robotics and Intelligent Systems can seek support for incubation and setting up their own start-ups.