MS Ramaiah Technology Business Incubation Center

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Home Dr. C. Narendra Babu

C. Narendra Babu

Associate Professor

Research Interests:

Time series analysis and prediction, Data Mining, Big Data Modelling and
Analytics, social media analytics, High dimensional statistics.


Significant Accomplishments:


International Journals

  1. Osman Yakubu, Narendra Babu and Osei Adjei (2018) Electricity Theft: Analysis of the Underlying Contributory Factors in Ghana, Elsevier- Energy Policy, 123, pp. 611-618. Impact factor: 4.0,
  2. Narendra Babu and Pallaviram Sure, “Low-Dimensional Models for Traffic Data Processing Using Graph Fourier Transform," in IEEE – Computing in Science & Engineering, vol. 20, no. 2, pp. 24-37, Mar./Apr. 2018. doi: 10.1109/MCSE.2018.110111913
  3. Pallaviram Sure, Narendra Babu, Chandra Mohan Bhuma, “Large random matrix-based channel estimation for massive MIMO-OFDM uplink," in IET Communications, vol. 12, no. 9, pp. 1035-1041, 6 5 2018. doi: 10.1049/iet-com.2017.0854 Impact Factor: 1.06


International Conferences

  1. C. Narendra Babu, B. Eswara Reddy, Predictive Data Mining On Average Global Temperature Using Variants of ARIMA models, IEEE-International Conference on Advances in Engineering, Science & Management (ICAESM -2012), Pages 256-260, Issue date: March 30-31, 2012.
  2. C. Narendra Babu, B. Eswara Reddy, Selected Indian stock predictions using a hybrid ARIMA-GARCH model, International Conference on Advances in Electronics, Computers & Communications-ICAECC-2014. Issue date 10-11th Oct 2014.
  3. Pallaviram Sure, C. Narendra Babu and Chandra Mohan Bhuma, "Applicability of big data analytics to massive MIMO systems," 2016 IEEE Annual India Conference (INDICON), IISc-Bangalore, India, 2016, pp. 1-6.


Achievements and Activities:

  1. Click here to view Google Scholor account
  2. Won best author award in IEEE-International Conference on Advances in Engineering, Science and Management (ICAESM -2012) held in Nagapattinam.
  3. Reviewer for many peer reviewed international Journals like Elsevier-Applied soft computing Soft computing ; and Springer- Neural Computing and Applications,Artificial Intelligence Review and so on.