Dr. K. Manikavasagam
Professor & Head(Dept of Electrical Engineering)
Significant Accomplishments:
National Conferences :
- P.Subbaraj and K.Manickavasagam, “Generation Control of Inter-connected Power Systems Using Computational Intelligence Techniques”, IET- Generation, Transmission and Distribution, July 2007, Volume-1, Issue 4, p.557-563
- R.Karthikeyan, Tapio Pahikkala, Seppo Virtanen, Jouni Isoaho, K. Manickavasagam and KVV. Murthy, “Fuzzy Logic Based Control for Parallel Cascade Control”, ICGST International Journal on Automatic Control and Systems Engineering, ACSE, Dec-2010, Vol 10, pp 39-48
- K.Manickavasagam, “Fuzzy based Power Flow control of Two Area Power System”, International Journal of Electrical and Computer Science, February 2012, Vol. 2, No. 1, , pp. 130~136, ISSN: 2088-8708
Patent filed :
- K. Manickavasagam, N. Sivakumar and K. Kanthimath “Design and Analysis of Permanent Magnet Linear Alternator”, Indian Patent Application: 201641043799, December 22, 2016.
- Technical Session Chair for the International conference 2014 Power and Energy Systems(PESTE): Towards sustainable energy during 13-15 March 2014, Amrita School of Engineering,Bangalore, India-560035
- Technical Session Chair for the International conference TAP Energy 2017 during 21-23 December 2017, Amrita School of Engineering, Amritapuri, Kollam, India-560035
Achievements and Activities: